The Old Collectors Garage
The Old Collectors Garage
Vintage VW Cars & Classic Cars & Parts
Vintage Advertising
Automobilia & Gas Pumps
The Old Collectors Garage Galleries
Vintage advertising, Americana memorabilia, vintage American gas pumps, globes, air meters, vintage Volkswagen car parts and a whole lot more...
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Industrial 19inch enamel light shade
Vintage Radio Flyer pull along wagon
10ft Metal flashing arrow sign
Muter coin changer machine
1950s Coca Cola Acton low boy picnic cooler
National cash register chrome UK model
Westinghouse standard Coca Cola ice chest.
1950's Hamilton Greyhound pull along wagon
Original 1964 Schwinn Jaguar bicycle
Buick Fireball eight metal money bank
Embossed Royal Crown Cola six pack carrier
Aristocrat starlite one armed bandit
Original vintage Bob's big boy money bank
Coca Cola superior junior picnic cooler
Acton Coca Cola picnic cooler in original box
Original soap box derby crash helmet
Original Coca Cola airline cooler
Vintage metal lunch pales
Vintage Advertising, Gas Pumps, Classic Cars & Memorabilia
01293 782997
07774 941712